Journal #20

I think so far this paper has gone a lot better than my last two papers. I feel as though for this one in terms of time, I definitely managed it better. I was able to make more time to sit down and jot out ideas and really figure out what route I wanted to take with this paper and it didn’t feel rushed. Rather than just sitting down and trying to just crank out the whole paper at once I divided my time and for half of the time, I focused on just coming up with an idea than looking for quotes to go with it and second half I focused on writing the paper. For my writing process, I focused on rather than just trying to get perfection from the get-go I focused on just jotting down anything and everything that came to my mind. For resources, I haven’t reached out to any yet. I feel as though I am in a good place right now, but I hope to meet with Cineed once my rough draft is completed. Challenges I faced with this essay was mainly just based off of finding quotes, but once I found the perfect quotes things flowed better.

I think this compares to my process with papers one and two because like I mentioned before I was more focused on just trying to make everything perfect from the get-go rather than just letting all ideas flow out and worry about editing at the end. I think I definitely made the right choice by prioritizing this project better than I did with the last two. For me, my biggest struggle is always just getting the creative juices to flow and I would often sit with my computer open for hours and not come up with a single thing so I formed the habit of waiting till the last minute because it pressures me to just start somewhere and go from there. Although that worked for me in the past I tried to manage my time differently and not putting so much pressure on myself to complete so much and just stretched out the work and got a little done at a time and it worked for me. I just think overall the most important thing though about this paper is that I had the motivation to actually get through it and It was a topic that I was actually interested in so I put more of an effort into trying to make it good.
