Journal #13

This Favorite Meal Analysis is definitely one of the toughest essays for me to write. When writing essays I was always taught to write a standard five-paragraph essay where we would have one introduction, three body paragraphs that each include one quote each and a conclusion where you tied everything together. This new outline that we have just been introduced to, includes two quotes a paragraph and an analysis in each paragraph tieing them together. This has been a challenging adjustment for me because rather than just choosing a quote and explaining how it connects with my topic, I’m having to work with all of these quotes and compare them to one another to better argue my stance on the topic.

The first significant move I made in terms of revision was to work to shorten the paragraphs that I had so far. I have three paragraphs, each with two quotes and each one single-spaced which ended up as a full-page long. I worked to resolve this by looking at the outline given in class and seeing which sentences don’t necessarily belong there and just cutting out unneeded information that is just taking up space. Also, some of the info I found, better fit in other paragraphs or just didn’t belong at all. The second significant move I made was to work on my analysis in my body paragraphs. When reading through my essay I noticed that I wasn’t necessarily comparing the quotes, but I was pretty much just summing up what the quotes said. So I took the time to go back and cut out useless info and even changed some of my quotes to better fit in my paragraphs.   
